Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tia Now 16 weeks Old

Tia was weighed at the vet and weighed in at 8kg, the vet recons she will probably end up being a small border collie and weighing 16kg (he says you double the weight at 16 weeks except not for large breeds).

Have been working on kick back stands from in front.

Also from the side.

Tia also had her first go at herding sheep, she had never seen a sheep before and is not from herding lines.

Have been teaching her to do a paw wave and march.

Tia has also been learning to not eat out of her food bowl till she gives me eye contact.

Her Rolling over is more confident now, I don't need to reward in increments as much as before. She still needs a fair bit of help.

Still need to work on ball drive, I think I may use food as per shirley chong method for the dumbell. She is also nervous of cars when I am out walking her. I have two weeks off work so have been putting a lot of training and socialising into her. Whenever I leave her in the car, (which is not usually longer than 10 minutes), she always has a bone to chew on, which stops her stressing. Will be taking her to the Pet Expo on Friday.


aussienut said...

She is going really well Jules - you must be proud of her :). She looks to be picking up things really well and also more food motivated :)). Boy you certianly do a lot - you make me look lazy :D

Birdy said...

These look great! I have a BC pup who is about 17 weeks, and it's fun to see another one the same age learning. They are incredible dogs! Heading to teach her how to wave :D

Birdy said...

These look great! I have a BC pup who is about 17 weeks, and it's fun to see another one the same age learning. They are incredible dogs! Heading to teach her how to wave :D